ONE SPACE (2016) is a modular, temporary space built to contemplate the largest questions of contemporary crisis. The project began with the observation that, as an organizer against climate change, I often spoke in broad terms about the need to "address the problem at the root cause", without making space to go deep in to the questions about what that root cause is, and how it actually manifests the calamity we call Climate Change.
bell hooks says that there is only one problem on earth: the Imperialist, White Supremacist, Capitalist Patriarchy. One Space is an experiment in mustering the audacity to think in broad enough terms to even speak about all those interlocking systems in one breadth, and to approach this question with the humility that allows each of us to be an impactful piece of a more just world.
The inaugural installation of One Space happened at Hunter College, in May 2016, as my MFA thesis exhibition. Check back in 2017ish for videos and for more clarity about how this test will inform One Space 2.0.