GRAY AREA (2014-2016) is a room for researching this current moment in today's climate crisis. I constructed and inhabited the Gray Area from October 2014 until January 2016, the months between the People’s Climate March and the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris (or COP 21). The Gray Area serves as a personal laboratory for exploring the relationship between organizing and arts production, helping me forge methodology for moving between these poles.
In the Gray Area, I wrote, read, researched, interviewed organizers, and produced materials that helped filled holes in the organizing landscape I was part of. I made a 12 foot long collage entitled Confronting the Climate: A Flowchart of the People's Climate March, a series of portraits, and tons of other drawings and visual poems.
Below, documentation of the Gray Area itself, examples of some of my favorite drawings made in the space, and my mother, Donna Schragis, gives a tour.